Launch Pad: Achenblach. Landing: Conservative Blogger

I was grabbed this afternoon by a Joel Achenblach bit on I'm a little curious about the whole Katie Couric-as-CBS-anchor story. At first glance, her cheerfulness doesn't seem to jive with the often somber tone most anchors assume. But, Achenblach's headline suggested he supported her. (He does).
I quickly wandered away from the Couric bit -- analysis before she takes over seems slightly ridiculous, her performance and style will change with her job -- and instead pursued a tangent. Achenblach mentioned that he and Nick Kristof and a few other journalists won awards last night from The Week magazine. One of the other journalists was Ed Morrissy, who I'd never heard of. Off I went.
The first article of Morrissy's seemed like a joke, as it contained and then congratulated the chart I've recopied. In particular, Morrissy believes that "bypassing but informing" was evidence that the Pentagon has learned from 9/11, and that people in the Pentagon are "listening and learning." Perhaps there is brilliance in imprecision, but the thought bubbles don't seem well thought out or commendable.
Morrissy's stuff is well written, and his piece on Russ Feingold's questionable move to the fringe left was interesting, and was balanced enough. Legitimate questions can be asked. As I read more of Morrissy, I started to realize that he was a conservative blogger. I didn't know about the Iran's new stealth programs, but Morrissy mocked them. I started wondering who Morrissy was, and after reading his account of the awards banquet, I clicked on the About Me. I love About Me's, and this was a good one, too. Morrissy is from the conservative movement, and has been blogging only since 2003. He wrote about his nickname, Captain Ed, and his love of Star Trek, and a license plate ID he'd moved from car to car. Morrissy's About Me was fun stuff. I love how the Internet can humanize authors.
Finally, I tracked back to my opening tab and Achenblach, and decided to see a few of the award winning cartoons from The Week's winning cartoonist, Mike Luckovich. I don't know. Nothing jumped off the page, but I didn't take the time to delve deep. I only took a peek.
The last thing I did was to click on the "Technorati" link which I had noticed at the bottom of Morrissy's blog, and was again at the bottom of Achenblach's. Again, as I was in a hurry, I didn't figure this out properly. Anybody know anything about Technorati?
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